Bissell Pond Dam Enhancement


Since 2014, our team has been dedicated to ensuring the structural integrity and safety of the Bissell Pond Dam in Grand Traverse County, Michigan with routine inspections every four years.  Through that process a critical issue surfaced—insufficient spillway capacity. To address this concern, we embarked on a comprehensive project to design and construct an auxiliary spillway. The new spillway, consisting of a concrete intake structure at the shoreline, discharging to the creek downstream of the dam via a buried pipeline, provides passive management of high flows. The project made it possible for the owner to sell the property, given the assurance of dam safety to the prospective owner.  We helped to facilitate the property sale prior to completion of the project through an escrow arrangement.

New Stop Logs for the Old Main Spillway

The Project Story

New Auxiliary Spillway Pipe with Grade/Alignment Transition Structure

In 2018, our team identified a potential hazard in the Bissell Pond Dam—its spillway capacity was insufficient to handle peak water flow during design flood scenarios. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue promptly, we initiated a project to design and construct a new spillway. The proposed solution included a concrete intake structure along the shoreline, discharging to a 36-inch pipe, then a drop structure that facilitates a grade and alignment change, and finally a 42-inch diameter pipe that reaches the downstream creek.  The new spillway was constructed in high ground beyond the end of the earthen embankment.

Poor soils discovered at the location of the concrete intake structure required the installation of timber piles to support the structure.  The project faced another challenge prior to completion when there was a change in property ownership. Despite this transition, the commitment to dam safety remained unwavering. The financial support for the project smoothly transitioned from the original owner, facilitated through an escrow account. This change in ownership added a layer of complexity, but it was navigated seamlessly, showcasing the adaptability and professionalism of our team.

Restored Slope after Spillway Construction

In 2022, we successfully executed the construction of the new spillway, along with additional maintenance and repair tasks for the dam. The completion of the project not only addressed the identified safety concern but also contributed to the overall longevity and resilience of the dam structure. The new owner expressed his satisfaction with the enhanced dam safety, especially in scenarios involving design flood events. The project's success is a testament to the collaboration between our team and the commitment of the private owners to the safety and well-being of their communities.


The Bissell Pond Dam enhancement project, undertaken from 2018 to 2022, has yielded positive outcomes for dam safety and community well-being. The construction of the new spillway, with its innovative design, has significantly increased the dam's ability to handle water flow during peak flow scenarios, ensuring the safety of downstream areas.

The transition of ownership from the initial posed a challenge, but the effective management of financial matters through an escrow account ensured a smooth transition and uninterrupted progress of the project. The successful execution of the project has not only mitigated the identified safety concern but has also garnered approval from the new owner, who expressed satisfaction with the enhanced dam safety against design flood scenarios.

This project stands as a testament to the importance of proactive dam maintenance and the successful collaboration of our team with private owners in safeguarding communities from potential risks associated with dam infrastructure. The Bissell Pond Dam now stands as a model for effective risk management and private owner’s initiatives for dam safety.

New Auxiliary Spillway Intake Structure


Get in touch

You can give us a call today at (231) 735-4546 or submit the form below.